Los 1154

Snellius, Willebrord
(1580-1626)Tiphys batavus

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Auktionsdatum 8.10.2024

Lot 1154, Auction  124, Snellius, Willebrord, Tiphys batavus

Snellius, Willebrord. Tiphys batavus, sive histiodromice, de navium cursibus, et re navali. 28 nn. Bl., 109 S., 1 Bl., 62 S., 1 Bl. Mit ganzseitigem Textkupfer, 2 Kupfertafeln und einigen schematischen Textholzschnitten. 20 x 15 cm. Pappband des 19. Jahrhunderts (Rücken angeschmutzt, Ecken bestoßen) mit goldgeprägtem RTitel. Leiden, Elzevier, 1624.
Poggendorff II, Sp. 949. Bierens de Haan 4397. Nederl. Scheepvaart Museum S. 664. Crone Libr. 150. Norman Coll. 796. Honeyman Coll. 2868. Rahir 190. Willems 224. Berghman 662. DSB XII, S. 501. – Erste Ausgabe des wichtigen Werkes zur Navigation. Schönes Lehrbuch zur Schiffartskunde. Es beinhaltet Studien zur Gradmessung und eine Beschreibung zum Gebrauch eines Kompasses. "In 1624 Snel published his lessons on navigation in Tiphys Batavus (Tiphys was the pilot of the Argo). The work is mainly a study and tabulation of Pedro Nuñez's so called rumb lines (1537), which Snell named 'loxodromes'. His consideration of a small spherical triangle bounded by a loxodrome, a parallel, and a meridian circle as a plane right triangle foreshadows the differential triangle of Pascal and later mathematicians" (DSB). "One of the earliest mathematical treatises on Navigation ... The introductory 30 leaves ... deal with the ships of the ancients, illustrated with 2 engravings. The treatise on navigation follows, divided into forty-eight propositions, of which the fifteenth defines for the first time the 'loxodromic curve'; this is further elucidated, and its use in navigation explained in succeeding propositions ... The full-page engraving illustrates certain points of Snellius' method, and shows the 32 points of the compass in Dutch." (Weil cat. 27, 196). – Geringfügig stockfleckig. Vorsätze gebräunt. Seite 34 mit restauriertem Randausriss. Insgesamt wohlerhaltenes Exemplar. – Beigegeben: Liesbeth Cornelia de Wreede. Willebrord Snellius (1580-1626) A Humanist Reshaping the Mathematical Sciences. Dissertation. 365 S. 24,5 x 17 cm. Illustr. OBroschur. Utrecht, Universität Utrecht bei H. J. M. Bos, 2007.

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