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Lot 4031, Auction  122, Daguerreotypes, Group family portrait

Group family portrait
Los 4031

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
1.188€ (US$ 1,277)


Photographer: Southworth & Hawes (active 1843-1863). Group family portrait. Early 1840s. Quarter-plate daguerreotype opened and newly sealed and paper taped.

Southworth & Hawes, the renowned daguerreotype studio founded in 1843 by Albert Sands Southworth and Josiah John- son Hawes, excelled in creating striking and innovative photo- graphic portraits. Their work transcended traditional portrai- ture, capturing not only the physical features but also the inner character and essence of their subjects, setting new standards in the art form. – A few light scratches on surface, some oxidation marks in lower edge, otherwise in good condition.

Lit.: Grant Romer/Brian Wallis. Young America, the Daguerreotypes of Southworth & Hawes. 2005, ill. 1785, p. 458.

Lot 4032, Auction  122, Daguerreotypes, Portrait of a girl and her doll

Portrait of a girl and her doll
Los 4032

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
1.188€ (US$ 1,277)


(Most probably from a Berlin studio). Portrait of a girl and her doll. Late1840s. Sixth-plate daguerreotype, in original glass cover with paper mat and paper taped (edges slightly rubbed), unopened.

A few light scratches in left edge, otherwise in near excellent condition.

Frith, Francis
Lower Egypt, Thebes and the Pyramids
Los 4035

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
3.500€ (US$ 3,763)


Lower Egypt, Thebes and the Pyramids. Bound volume with a total of 37 albumen prints from glass plate negatives. Photos circa 16 x 23 cm or reverse. The majority signed and numbered in negative, each with printed caption on mount. With contents, title and illustration on frontispiece. Bound in green leather-backed cloth (buckled, edges/corners rubbed) with gold-embossed title on front cover. William MacKenzie, London, Glasgow & Edinburgh, 1862.

Francis Frith, a former apprentice in a cutlery house and a partner in a grocery business, transitioned to photography in the early 1850s. He embarked on three expeditions between 1856-1860 to Egypt, Sinai, Ethiopia, and Jerusalem, capturing ancient monuments and culture using wet collodion glass plate negatives and producing albumen prints on-site in a portable darkroom. The second volume of his four-part series on Egypt, Palestine, and Nubia includes views of Cairo, the Pyramids at Giza, and early photographs of the temple of Kar- nak in Luxor. His work served as a valuable resource for Egyp- tologists and archaeologists, contributing to a Western fasci- nation with Egypt‘s ancient history and cultural heritage. – Some foxing and time-staining on album pages, some prints slightly faded along edges, some with minimal surface scuff marks, otherwise in very good condition with strong contrasts.

German-Danish War 1864
German-Danish War
Los 4036

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
10.000€ (US$ 10,753)


Photographers: Christian Friedrich Brandt, Ludwig Angerer, L. Perini, H.F. Plate, C. Junod, G. Jaegermayer, Georg E. Hansen. L. Haase and others. Images of the German-Danish War 1864. Circa 198 albumen prints, 100 wood engravings and 22 original drawings. Various sizes between circa 17 x 42 cm and 20 x 17 cm 18 x 21 cm and many cartes-de-visite. Each mounted to board (soiled, slightly warped), most with photographer's name, flyleaf annotated in ink "Aus dem Nachlasse: Karl Freiherrn v. Mertens ... vererbt an: Rittm. Ludwig u. Oskar Maxon de Rövid, Neffen d. obigen, spätere ung. Generäle Pécs" in brown full leather album (edges rubbed, scuff marks) with brass letter title Schleswig. Jütland 1864 (4 letters missing), missing clasp.

This remarkably large and extensively illustrated commemora- tive album, from the estate of k.u.k. Officer Karl Ritter Freiherr von Mertens (1842-1910), provides a significant perspective
on the German-Danish War of 1864. Mertens, originally from Lower Austria, swiftly advanced in the military hierarchy and held the rank of Feldzeugmeister during the war, later becom- ing General der Kavallerie und Korps-Kdt. (Corps commander) in Kassa, Hungary, as indicated in the album. The primary focus is on the Austrian involvement in the conflict, encompassing land warfare, major naval battles, and emphasizing the role of the „Schwarzenberg“ frigate, prominently portrayed in a group photograph of its crew. Furthermore, it offers insights into the Prussian and Danish sides, featuring photographs of battle- fields, significant locations, war equipment, and portraits of high-ranking military officers. Notably, the album includes two panoramic photos of Austrian quarters in Cuxhaven (depicting 50 people) and Prussian headquarters in Sonderjylland (show- ing approximately 48 people). It also contains several military maps, around 100 wood engravings portraying war scenes and individuals, and roughly 22 original drawings illustrating various aspects of the war.
Accompanied with and extensive collection of personal letters and state documents, comprising military and war reports, drawn and printed plans and maps, as well as handwritten and printed documents from the 19th century, particularly relating to the 1848/49 revolution. A noteworthy inclusion is an ornate noble patent on parchment, featuring a finely painted coat of arms and the signature of Emperor Franz-Josef.

Dieses ungewöhnlich große und reich illustrierte Souvenir-Album des Deutsch-Dänischen Krieges von 1864 stammt aus dem Nachlass des k.u.k. Offiziers Karl Ritter Freiherr von Mertens (1842 -1910). Der aus Niederösterreich stammende Mertens stieg relativ schnell und zügig in der Militärhierarchie auf. Während des Deutsch-Dänischen Krieges war er Feldzeugmeister, zuletzt, gegen Ende seiner Karriere (lt. Eintrag im Album) „…General der Kavallerie und Korps-Kdt. in Kassa (Ungarn)“. Der Hauptfokus des Albums liegt demgemäß auf dem österreichischen Anteil dieses Krieges. Neben dem Kriegsgeschehen zu Lande nehmen aber auch die Seegefechte von 1864 großen Raum ein. Im Zentrum scheint, neben vielen anderen Schiffen, besonders die Fregatte „Schwarzenberg“ zu stehen, von der ein großes Gruppenfoto der Mannschaft zu sehen ist. Aber auch die preußische und Dänische Beteiligung ist angemessen berücksichtigt. Das Album beinhaltet c. 198 Fotografien, darunter Ansichten der Schlachtfelder, bedeutende Orte und viel Kriegsgerät, wie auch viele Porträts hochrangiger Militärs. Interessant sind besonders zwei Panoramafotos sowohl des österreichischen Quartiers in Cuxhaven (50 Personen) als auch des preußischen Hauptquartiers In Sonderjylland mit c. 48 Personen. Eine herausgehobene Rolle spielen die Geschehnisse um die Stadt Kolding, die auf vielen Holzstichen und Fotos zu sehen ist. Das Album beinhaltet neben den Fotografien auch einige Militärkarten und c. 100 Holzstiche mit Porträts und Szenen des Kriegsverlaufs „nach Originalzeichnungen von unserem Specialartisten“, wie die Bildunterschrift besagt. Ungewöhnlich sind zudem c. 22 Originalzeichnungen von Kriegsszenen und diversen Militärs in unterschiedlichen Techniken.
Zu diesem Album gehört ein großes Konvolut von mehreren Hundert persönlichen Briefen und Staatspapieren, darunter Militär- und Kriegsberichte und gezeichnete/gedruckte Pläne und Karten wie auch wichtige handgeschriebene und gedruckte Dokumente des 19. Jahrhunderts, besonders auch zur Revolution 1848/49. Dabei noch ein aufwändiges Adelspatent auf Pergament mit gemaltem Wappen und der Signatur des Kaisers Franz-Josef. – Generally, the album shows some signs of wear and the album pages have some soiling, some prints are faded, some with spots, many in good condition.

Provenance: Officer Karl Ritter Freiherr von Mertens

Lit.: Friedrich Brandt. Ein Pionier der Photographie in Schleswig-Holstein. Heide in Holstein 1989, ill. pp. 74-75.

Lot 4037, Auction  122, Heid, Hermann, Nude Study of a Standing Female

Heid, Hermann
Nude Study of a Standing Female
Los 4037

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
375€ (US$ 403)


Nude study of a standing female. Circa 1875. Albumen print. 14 x 9,8 cm.

Hermann Heid, a multifaceted Austrian photographer, chemist, and manufacturer, embarked on his photographic journey during the mid-19th century, initially focusing on architectural and industrial photography, which he showcased at the 1864 photographic society exhibition in Vienna. Over time, he diversified his portfolio to include a wide range of photographic subjects, such as portraiture, nature, animals, and nude studies, amassing numerous awards both domestically and internationally. His photographic creations are now preserved in the collections of esteemed institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, New York and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. – In excellent condition.

Views of the Delhi Durbar of 1877
Los 4038

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
750€ (US$ 806)


Photographer: Charles Shepherd (active 1858-1878), John Murray (1809-1898) and unknown. The Durbar of 1877 or the so-called “Delhi Proclamation”. 24 large-format albumen prints. Most ca. 22 x 27 cm. Mounted to board (slightly warped, some light foxing), titled in ink (2 colors) below the images on mount.

The Delhi Proclamation, also known as the Royal Proclamation, marked a pivotal moment in British India‘s history, signifying a major shift in British governance of the Indian subcontinent. Although Queen Victoria declared herself Empress of India during this event, she was not physically present in Delhi. The proclamation was delivered by Lord Lytton, representing the Queen, and was read in both English and Urdu. In this proclamation, Queen Victoria expressed her intention to adopt the title of Quaisar-i-Hind, reaffirming its permanence. She also emphasized her concern for the welfare, health, and religious freedom of her subjects. However, the Durbar ultimately served as a declaration of imperial authority, reinforcing the Indian people‘s status as subjects of the British Empire. The collection includes several large group portraits from 1875 featuring high-ranking military officers and colonial officials. Additionally, two photographs depict the Prince of Wales and his staff in Bombay and Lahore, while two more photos taken by John Murray in 1859 showcase Indian monuments. – Some prints slightly faded in edges, otherwise most in good condition.

Provenance: Günter Heil Collection

Lit.: Julie F. Codell (Ed.). Power and Resistance - The Delhi Coronation Durbars 1877-1903-1911. (The Alkazi Collection of Photography) Mapin 2012.

Private souvenir album with views of Siena and other Italian cities and landmarks
Los 4040

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
475€ (US$ 511)


Private souvenir album with views of Siena and other Italian cities and landmarks. 1891. 50 albumen prints. Various sizes, most circa 12 x 17 cm. Mounted to album boards (slightly warped), bound in contemporary half leather album (edges rubbed, spine cracked) with gilt-stamped title on front cover.

A few with some foxing spots, some with light fading in edges, otherwise most in very good condition with strong contrasts and rich tones.

Lot 4044, Auction  122, MacPherson, Robert, View towards the Capitoline Hill, Rome

MacPherson, Robert
View towards the Capitoline Hill, Rome
Los 4044

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
2.000€ (US$ 2,151)


View from the bank of the Tiber River towards the Capitoline Hill, Rome. Circa 1855. Albumen print, oval. 28,5 x 40 cm. Mounted to board (minimal foxing in edges, some tears/creases and slightly soiled).

An exceptional cityscape with a rare view of Rome from below the Aventine Hill along the Tiber's bank during the reign of Pius IX. In the distance, a segment of the Ponte Rotto is seen, complete with its iron extension that opened to traffic in May 1853, set against the backdrop of the Capitoline Hill. Particularly noteworthy is the presence of several Prussian establishments on the riverbank, including the Palazzo Caffarelli serving as an embassy and a hospital, with the former hosting the German Institute of Archaeology until its relocation in 1877. – A few minimal scuff marks, slightly faded in right edge, otherwise a fine tonal print in very good condition.

Provenance: Uta and Wilfried Wiegand Collection

Lit.: Thorvaldsen Museum (ed.). Rome in Early Photographs - The Age of Pius IX. (exhibition catalogue). Copenhagen 1977, ill. p. 132 (variant).

Lot 4045, Auction  122, MacPherson, Robert, View of the Temple of Vesta and Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome

MacPherson, Robert
View of the Temple of Vesta and Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome
Los 4045

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
1.500€ (US$ 1,613)


(Attributed to). View of the Temple of Hercules and Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. Circa 1860. Large-format, gold-toned albumen print. 21,5 x 40,5 cm. Mounted to cream card (slightly soiled), annotated in ink on mount, photo of equestrian monument of Marcus Aurelius on mount verso.

Some light foxing spots in sky area, otherwise in very good condition.

Lit.: Dietmar Siegert. Rom vor hundert Jahren. Photographien 1846-1890. Munich 1985, ill. p. 31.

Lot 4046, Auction  122, Marconi, Gaudenzio, Male nude study

Marconi, Gaudenzio
Male nude study
Los 4046 [*]

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
875€ (US$ 941)


Male nude study. Circa 1875. Albumen print. 26,4 x 17,4 cm. Number in negative in lower portion, mounted to board (43,1 x 31,1 cm, slight edge wear and buckling, light soiling).

Gaudenzio Marconi was a Swiss-Italian photographer celebrated for his academic nude studies, which are notable examples within the 19th-century French tableaux vivants tradition. In these compositions, often set against unadorned backgrounds or simple landscapes, Marconi displayed a keen focus on the sculptural qualities of the human form, emphasizing the dynamics of muscular movement. His photographs became a valuable resource for accomplished artists and students alike, with Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) enlisting Marconi's assistance during the creation and subsequent documentation of his influential sculpture "The Age of Bronze" in 1877. – Some light surface scuff marks, otherwise a strong print in very good condition.

Matsuchi, Nakajima
Japanese bronze vases and flower arrangements
Los 4048 [*]

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
6.500€ (US$ 6,989)


Japanese bronze vases with and flower and plant arrangements. Circa 1890. 34 albumen prints, each mounted to board in clamshell box. Each ca. 25 x 20,3 cm (34,3 x 27,4 cm). Most with photographer's studio stamp on mount verso.

The Japanese photographer Nakajima Matsuchi, renowned during the 1880s-1890s, was a founding member of the Nihon Shashin Kyokai (Japanese Photographic Society) in 1889. His exquisitely hand-colored lantern slides, created in collaboration with his wife, Sonoko, received numerous accolades, including recognition at the Japanese National Exhibitions of 1877 and 1881. Although Nakajima worked with various photographic formats, including stereographs, cartes de visites, and cabinet-sized photographs, his large-format work remains particularly rare. – Some buckling and foxing on mounts, some slight fading along edges of prints, otherwise in very good condition.

Lit.: Terry Bennett. Photography in Japan 1853-1912. North Clarendon, Vermont. 2006. see pp. 182-184.

Lot 4049, Auction  122, Mylius, Carl Friedrich, Early views of Frankfurt

Mylius, Carl Friedrich
Early views of Frankfurt
Los 4049 [*]

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
750€ (US$ 806)


Early views of Frankfurt am Main: Dom, Römerberg, Gutenberg monument and Goethe monument. Ca. 1860. 4 albumen prints mounted to board. Each circa 23 x 17 cm (30 x 23 cm). Each signed in lower right corner on mount recto; annotations in pencil on mount verso.

Carl Friedrich Mylius, a German artist proficient in painting, lithography, and photography, is known for his early architectural depictions of Frankfurt am Main. His photographic oeuvre constitutes a valuable archive of the 19th-century transformation of Frankfurt, focusing on the medieval Old Town rather than the contemporary architectural developments typical of that period. – Some fading and foxing, some light surface scuff marks, otherwise in good condition.

Lot 4053, Auction  122, Ninci, Giuseppe, Colosseum seen from the via Sacra, Rome

Ninci, Giuseppe
Colosseum seen from the via Sacra, Rome
Los 4053

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
875€ (US$ 941)


Colosseum seen from the via Sacra, Rome. Mid-1860s. Large-format albumen print. 27 x 38 cm. Mounted to original board (slightly soiled/toned, a few tears in edges), photographer's blindstamp below image on mount.

Giuseppe Ninci learned photography while he was employed as an art appraiser at Tommaso Cuccioni's studio in Rome. Although much of his personal life remains a mystery, historical records reveal that he was involved in the supply of photographic chemicals and sold photographs created during his time at Cuccioni's studio. Ninci eventually established his photography studio in Rome around 1866, leaving a notable legacy with works like an eight-part folding panorama of the Roman Forum. – Slight fading in parts of edges, a few light scuff marks, otherwise in very good condition. With: Photographer unknown. View of Bizzaccheri Fountain with Temple of Hercules, the so-called Vesta Temple. 1870s. Large-format albumen print. 27 x 37,5 cm. Mounted to board, matted and framed under museum glass in wooden frame (62 x 71 cm). - Faded in right and lower edge, otherwise in good condition.

Provenance: Uta and Wilfried Wiegand Collection

Lot 4054, Auction  122, Paris Railway, Train Station, Paris

Paris Railway
Train Station, Paris
Los 4054

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
375€ (US$ 403)


Photographer unknown. Train station, Paris. Early 1850s. Salted paper print. 15,8 x 21,7 cm. Tipped in corners to card (23 x 29,8 cm).

This rare salted paper print depicting a newly constructed railroad station is potentially among the earliest photographic records of Paris' railway development in the mid-19th century. Baptiste Alexis Victor Legrand (1791-1848) initiated a railway program centered on Paris in 1832. Construction commenced around 1850, and by 1859, all major rail lines radiating from Paris were completed. The photograph presented here may depict an intermediate station along these radial lines or one of the stations of the "Chemin de Fer de Petite Ceinture" (Small Ring Railway) that opened in 1852. A horse-drawn omnibus in front of the station offers passenger transfer. – Minimal foxing on mount, a few light handling marks, light crease in lower right corner, otherwise a fine tonal print in excellent condition.

Lot 4055, Auction  122, Perscheid, Nicola, The composer Edvard Grieg

Perscheid, Nicola
The composer Edvard Grieg
Los 4055 [*]

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
375€ (US$ 403)


The composer Edvard Grieg. Circa 1900. Vintage photogravure. 15,1 x 11,7 cm (21,6 x 17 cm). Photographer's name, negative number and caption printed in lower margin; annotated in pencil on verso.

Nicola Perscheid, renowned for his portraiture marked by adept soft focus and the use of natural light, possessed a unique talent for capturing the character and essence of his subjects during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this photograph, Perscheid portrays Edvard Grieg, a celebrated Norwegian composer and pianist famous for his Romantic-era music. – Some foxing, especially in margins, otherwise in good condition.

Lot 4056, Auction  122, Petit, Pierre, Eiffel Tower under construction

Petit, Pierre
Eiffel Tower under construction
Los 4056

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
500€ (US$ 538)


Eiffel Tower under construction, building of the foundation. 1888/printed slightly later. 2 large-format gelatin silver prints. Each circa 26,5 x 36,5 cm. Each mounted to contemporary board (some edge wear/creases); each annotated in ink on mount verso.

The French photographer Pierre Petit, was renowned for his wide-ranging subjects, encompassing portraits of important personalities, landscapes, and iconic landmarks. The offered pair of photographs here show the Eiffel Tower during the initial stages of its construction, one year prior to its grand debut at the Exposition Universelle on March 31, 1889. – Minimal silver mirroring in edges, otherwise in very good condition.

Provenance: Robert Lebeck Collection

Lot 4057, Auction  122, Prussian Military, Prussian military officers

Prussian Military
Prussian military officers
Los 4057 [*]

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
625€ (US$ 672)


Photographer unknown. Prussian military officers. 1860s. Salted paper print with rounded corners on loose card mount. 21,7 x 16,4 cm.

This portrait features a group of Prussian cavalry officers from the Uhlan regiment, among them Baron Thilo Freiherr von Schlotheim (1826-1896), in the center of the photograph. – Some signs of retouching on top right corner, otherwise a fine tonal print in excellent condition.

Lot 4058, Auction  122, Robertson, James & Felice Beato, Fountain of Sultan Selim, Constantinople, Turkey

Robertson, James & Felice Beato
Fountain of Sultan Selim, Constantinople, Turkey
Los 4058

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
500€ (US$ 538)


Fountain of Sultan Selim, Constantinople, Turkey. Circa 1855. Albumen print. 24,7 x 31,5 cm. Titled and signed in negative in lower right corner, mounted to board, annotated by another hand in ink on mount.

During the 1850s–60s, James Robertson established a thriving studio in Constantinople, in collaboration with his partner Felice Beato, where they created an extensive collection of photographs that meticulously documented the city‘s architecture, landscapes, and daily life. – Slight surface soiling, a few vertical surface scratches in mid-section, more visible at an angle, mount slightly buckled.

Lot 4060, Auction  122, Sebah, J. Pascal, Views of Constantinople

Sebah, J. Pascal
Views of Constantinople
Los 4060

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
625€ (US$ 672)


Views of Constantinople. 1870s-90s. 4 large-format albumen prints. Various sizes between circa 26 x 34 cm and 18 x 23 cm. Most signed and titled in the negative in French in lower edge, mounted to board (slightly soiled), annotated in black ink below images on the mounts.

Pascal Sebah's photographs of Constantinople stand out due to their exceptional artistic quality, capturing the city's iconic landmarks, daily life, and architectural details with remarkable precision and a keen eye for composition. This collection comprises images of the Fountain of Fresh Waters of Asia (Fontaine des Eaux Doux d'Asie), the Turkish Cemetery in Scutari, a Tomb in Eyoub, and a Fountain within Yeni Djami. – Some with light fading in edges, a few light surface scuff marks, otherwise in good to very good condition with strong tones. With: Antonio Beato (1835-1906). View of the Citadel and Mamluk Tombs, Cairo. 1870s. Albumen print. 30 x 25 cm. Tipped in corners to card. - Handling creases/marks, some surface scuff marks and small spots in right upper area.

Provenance: Uta and Wilfried Wiegand Collection

[*]: Regelbesteuert gemäß Auktionsbedingungen. [^]: Ausgleich von Einfuhr-Umsatzsteuer.

* Alle Angaben inkl. 25% Regelaufgeld ohne MwSt. und ohne Gewähr – Irrtum vorbehalten.

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