Los 4078

Sébah, Pascal
(1823-1886)Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
625€ (US$ 651)

Los 4078 - Sébah, Pascal - Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire - 0 - thumbLos 4078 - Sébah, Pascal - Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire - 1 - thumbLos 4078 - Sébah, Pascal - Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire - 2 - thumbLos 4078 - Sébah, Pascal - Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire - 3 - thumb

Aus dem Katalog
Fotografie des 19. – 21. Jahrhunderts (Katalog nur online verfügbar)
Auktionsdatum 4.12.2024

Lot 4078, Auction  124, Sébah, Pascal, Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire

Portraits of people of the Ottoman Empire. 1870s. 34 albumen prints. Each circa 14,2 x 10 cm. Most with title and/or number in lower left corner in the negative; annotated in pencil on verso.

Pascal Sébah was a pioneering photographer known for his detailed and impressive images of the Middle East and North Africa during the 19th century. Operating a studio in Istanbul, he specialized in both portraiture and landscape photography, capturing the diverse culture and architectural wonders of the Ottoman Empire. His work contributed significantly to Western fascination with the Orient and remains a valuable resource for understanding the region’s history and heritage. – Slight fading in edges, a few with light spots, some minimal handling marks, otherwise in good condition.

Provenance: Robert Lebeck Collection

Lit.: Bahattin Öztuncay. The Photographers of Constantinople. Pioneers, studios and artists from 19th century Istanbul. Istanbul 2006 (2nd edition).

* Alle Angaben inkl. 25% Regelaufgeld ohne MwSt. und ohne Gewähr – Irrtum vorbehalten.

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