Los 4061 [*]

90th New York State Legislature 1867
Assembly Members of the 90th New York State Legislature1867

1.500€ (US$ 1,563)

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Los 4061 - 90th New York State Legislature 1867 - Assembly Members of the 90th New York State Legislature1867 - 0 - thumbLos 4061 - 90th New York State Legislature 1867 - Assembly Members of the 90th New York State Legislature1867 - 1 - thumb

Aus dem Katalog
Fotografie des 19. – 21. Jahrhunderts (Katalog nur online verfügbar)
Auktionsdatum 4.12.2024

Lot 4061, Auction  124, 90th New York State Legislature 1867, Assembly Members of the 90th New York State Legislature1867

Commemorative album for Samuel M. Purdy, member of the New York State Assembly 1867-68. Half leather album (some stronger moisture stains, especially on back cover, edges/corners rubbed) with owner's name Samuel M. Purdy gilt-stamped on the cover. With 140 mounted CDV-sized portraits, three larger portraits in oval (19 x 13.3 cm) from ca. 1867, a lithograph of Grover Cleveland and 2 unknown late portraits 1880s. With ca. 133 signatures in ink on the album pages below the images.

This album originates from the personal estate of Samuel M. Purdy of Westchester County, NY, who served in the New York State Assembly from 1867-68. The 1866 New York State election was held on November 6, with assembly members elected for one year and senators for two years. The album opens with a mounted lithograph of future U.S. President Grover Cleveland opposite the title page, followed by a larger portrait of Reuben E. Fenton, Governor of New York from 1865-68 and U.S. Senator from 1869-75. Other notable figures include Stewart L. Woodford, Lieutenant Governor of New York (1867-69), and Edmund L. Pitts, Speaker of the Assembly in 1867. Several CDV portraits are autographed in black ink, including prominent names like Ornon Archer, Stephen Baker, Samuel M. Barker, and others, documenting a wide array of political figures from the period. This album provides a rich historical record of New York State political leadership during the late 1860s. – Most photos with fading in edges as well as spotting within images, album pages with staining and some foxing.

[*]: Regelbesteuert gemäß Auktionsbedingungen. [^]: Ausgleich von Einfuhr-Umsatzsteuer.

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