Los 4022

Laying of the foundation stone of Hong Kong City Hall

1.500€ (US$ 1,563)

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Los 4022 - China - Laying of the foundation stone of Hong Kong City Hall - 0 - thumb

Aus dem Katalog
Fotografie des 19. – 21. Jahrhunderts (Katalog nur online verfügbar)
Auktionsdatum 4.12.2024

Lot 4022, Auction  124, China, Laying of the foundation stone of Hong Kong City Hall

Photographer: Milton M. Miller (1830-1899). Laying of the foundation stone of Hong Kong City Hall. 1865. Albumen print. 19,5 x 25,5 cm. Mounted to board (slight foxing), annotated in pencil and ink below image on mount.

The old City Hall was the first building in Hong Kong not to serve as a government office; it was dedicated solely to municipal purposes. Today, it has been replaced by the Bank of China Building and The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC Group). The early photograph featured here captures the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone in 1865, attended by festively dressed dignitaries and numerous onlookers. Construction commenced in 1866 on land provided by the government. The building, which included a theater and a library, was inaugurated on November 2, 1869, by HRH Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, during his visit to the colony. In 1933, the structure was partially demolished and was completely torn down in 1947 to make way for the new HSBC Group building. – A few small indentation spots, small brown spot in upper left, two light discolored spots, otherwise in very good condition.

Provenance: Robert Lebeck Collection

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