Los 4285

Schmidt, Michael
(1945-2014)Image from the series "Waffenruhe" (Checkpoint Charlie)

Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
3.250€ (US$ 3,495)

Los 4285 - Schmidt, Michael - Image from the series "Waffenruhe" (Checkpoint Charlie) - 0 - thumb

Aus dem Katalog
Fotografie des 19. – 21. Jahrhunderts
Auktionsdatum 5.6.2024

Lot 4285, Auction  123, Schmidt, Michael, Image from the series "Waffenruhe" (Checkpoint Charlie)

Image from the series "Waffenruhe" (Checkpoint Charlie). 1985. Vintage gelatin silver print. 28,2 x 33,6 cm (30 x 39,8 cm). Signed/copyrighted, dated and dedicated by the photographer in pencil on the verso.

Michael Schmidt embarked on his photographic career at the young age of 20, becoming renowned for his contributions to socio-documentary photography in Germany, characterized by a sober and reality-based style. In 1976, Schmidt established the "Werkstatt für Photographie" in Kreuzberg, Berlin. His "Waffenruhe" series is characterized by its stark, often desolate, urban landscapes showing Berlin in an empty, transitional state, evoking a sense of both beauty and desolation. His images of Berlin cemented his position as a key figure in the "New Topographic Movement" of German photography. – Edges slightly curled, corners slightly bumped, some staining in white margins, otherwise a fine tonal print in very good condition.

Lit.: Michael Schmidt. Fotografien seit 1965. Folkwang Essen 1995.

* Alle Angaben inkl. 25% Regelaufgeld ohne MwSt. und ohne Gewähr – Irrtum vorbehalten.

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Erdener Str. 5A
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© 2024 Galerie Gerda Bassenge

Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5A
14193 Berlin

Montag bis Donnerstag, 10–18 Uhr,
Freitag, 10–16 Uhr

Telefon: +49 30 8938029-0
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