Australia / New Zealand
Indigenous people, nature and landscapes of Australia and New Zealand
Los 4003
Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
4.000€ (US$ 4,167)
Photographer: Burton Brothers, Ebenezer Caney (1846-1910), Samuel White Sweet (1825-1886) and unknown. Views of indigenous people, nature and landscapes of Australia and New Zealand. 1880s. Circa 100 collodion paper prints. Each circa 16 x 20,5 cm. Many with title, number and photographer's name in the negative in lower corners, 2 with photographer's blindstamp in lower right, mounted to gilt-edged boards (time-stained/dusty in edges, warped, some with foxing), annotated in ink/pencil below the images on the mounts, bound in full leather album (edges rubbed, a few tears and spots) with gilt-tooling and gilt-stamped title Views of Australia on front cover (25 x 31 cm).
Photos buckled/curled from mounting, a few with crease marks, otherwise most in good to very good condition and with strong contrasts.
Photographer unknown. Views of Austria. 1860s. 28 large-format albumen prints. Each circa 24 x 33 cm and smaller. Mounted to red-edged album boards (time-stained in edges and some foxing), bound in contemporary red leather album (rubbed in edges, scuff marks, soiled) with gilt-embossed monogram L.C. on front cover.
Five photos show the Semmeringbahn circa ten years after completion. Other images show Salzburg, Gmunden, Gastein, Berchtesgaden, Dürnberg, Ischl, Salzburg and Graz. The views of Vienna with the new Ringstr. and other sites are especially interesting. – Some photos with light surface scuff marks, otherwise in good to very good condition.
Apple blossoms. 1850s. Varnished albumen print with rounded corners. 35,5 x 30,5 cm. Mounted to card.
Some spotting from glue in edges, otherwise a strong print in very good condition.
Braun, Adolphe
Various flowers and ferns
Los 4007 [*]
Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
438€ (US$ 456)
Various flowers and ferns. 1850s. Varnished albumen print with rounded corners. 37 x 31 cm. Mounted to card.
Some mirroring in left edge towards upper area, otherwise in very good condition.
Chrysanthemums. 1850s. Albumen print. 40 x 49 cm. Mounted to board.
Soiled/foxing in edges, some scuff marks, otherwise in good condition.
Bresolin, Domenico
Early views of Venice
Los 4010
Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
1.063€ (US$ 1,107)
Early views of Venice. 1855. 7 large-format salt prints. Each circa 27 x 35 cm. Each with photographer's blindstamp in lower left in image/on mount, each mounted to thin card (some buckling), each with caption label in lower right on mount.
In the 1850s Domenico Bresolin was one of the most important coworkers of Carlo Ponti but also published his photos under his own name. He was one of the last Venetian photographers to work with salt prints up until the late 1850s. Photos with his blindstamp are quite rare as he only used his own stamp 1854/55. – Some lighter, otherwise in good condition.
Lit.: Bodo von Dewitz/Dietmar Siegert/Karin Schuller-Procopovici (eds.). Italien Sehen und Sterben. Photographien der Zeit des Risorgimento (1845 - 1870). Cologne 1994, see p. 278.
Views of India and Ceylon. 1860s-1870s. 5 albumen prints. Each circa 16 x 23 cm and larger. Each mounted to board, annotated in ink below images on mount.
A few with small spots, one with stronger discoloration spot in upper right, otherwise in very good condition and with strong contrasts.
Cartes-de-visite Album
A large cdv collection of portraits, landscapes and villages
Los 4015
Ergebnis (inkl. Aufgeld) *
475€ (US$ 495)
Various photographers. A large cdv collection of portraits, landscapes and villages. 1860s-1910s. Circa 180 albumen cartes-de-visite prints and 27 tin types as well as postcards inserted in album (some loose).
Comprehensive and interesting collection of cartes-de-visite, mainly portraits but also landscapes, village views and other curiosities. – Most in good to very good condition.
[*]: Regelbesteuert gemäß Auktionsbedingungen. [^]: Ausgleich von Einfuhr-Umsatzsteuer.
* Alle Angaben inkl. 25% Regelaufgeld ohne MwSt. und ohne Gewähr – Irrtum vorbehalten.
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Montag bis Donnerstag, 10–18 Uhr,
Freitag, 10–16 Uhr
Telefon: +49 30 8938029-0
Fax: +49 30 8918025
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© 2024 Galerie Gerda Bassenge
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5A
14193 Berlin
Montag bis Donnerstag, 10–18 Uhr,
Freitag, 10–16 Uhr
Telefon: +49 30 8938029-0
Fax: +49 30 8918025
E-Mail: info (at)
© 2022 Galerie Gerda Bassenge